Welcome to Team Tulley - Everyone has something to add to the team!

  • Welcome to Team Tulley!
    3rd Grade
    Hawkins Elementary School
    2015 - 2016

    Make sure to have a "learning" place in your home set up.  Make sure you have tape, pencils, erasers, pens, colors, scissors, glue stick, ruler, and a stapler all safely set up.  If you have this consistent place worked out right now, it'll make working on projects this school year in the evenings go so much smoother for you and your student.

    We've got a spot for Montana in our own home.  
    She has a place to do her "homework" ask her about it.
    I have a reminder app for you to register for and get "reminders" about class assignments, tests, due dates etc

    Follow our class as we progress on Twitter!!

    I look forward to sharing many special moments throughout the day through this social media tool.  There is nothing better than getting a chance to step away from your profession to take a little peak into the learning world of your child!

    Read a bit into the minds of our students by following our 
    Classroom Blog at:

    YES!!  We will be blogging during the 2015 / 2016 school year as part of our goal to build not only our editing and revision skills of writing but the VERY important skill of typing.

    If you are interested in getting to know me a bit more in my "outside of school" life you are welcome to follow my blog at:

    A Little Loving Tip

    Here's a little tip: Consistency is a crucial part of success for early learners. If you do not already have an established spot for your child to complete h/her homework (including 20 minutes of reading every night), choose one together. It should be a spot free from distractions such as siblings, toys, and TVs. We as adults all have our own spots we go to in order to concentrate/focus more clearly, and your child will benefit from one as well. Discuss the expectations of this place so they are clear in your child’s mind. Don’t forget to stock it with special pencils, crayons, paper, notebooks, and any other enticing tools to help set your child up for success-after all, learning should be attractive and fun! Now is the time to establish these routines that will help your child be a successful life-long learner. 
    Brighton's homework recommendation is a minimum of twenty minutes of reading per day.  It is a proven fact: the more your child reads and is exposed to print, the stronger his/her reading skills will be.  As with anything, practice is the way to improve.  Set your child up for success in the classroom and in life by setting up a reading routine for your family.  You are the number one influence in your child's life - ask yourself, what do I want my child to value in life?  If one of the answers is being an independent learner, then giving your child the gift of literacy will set them free.

    Warmly, Mrs. Tulley

Team Tulley 2010

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