Attendance & Tardy Policy
Brighton High School
Attendance Policy
- 7 absences or less in any one class to maintain credit.
- Upon 8th absence in any one class per semester will result in Loss of Credit
- Student may request reinstatement of credit through the appropriate Grade Level Principal no later than 2 weeks prior to end of semester.
Tardy Policy
- 1st-3rd Tardy in any one class - Teacher discretion
- 4th Tardy and beyond - Student sent to Grade Level Principal with Tardy Pass.
- Student will be sent to ISS (In School Suspension).
- The pass is returned to classroom teacher.
Cell Phone and Electronic Equipment Policy
- Cell phones and electronic equipment may be used during non-classroom time.
- 1st Offense - Equipment confiscated and sent to Grade Level Principal to be returned at the end of the school day with a call home.
- 2nd Offense - Equipment confiscated and sent to Grade Level Principal to be returned at the end of the following day with a call home. Friday means it is returned at the end of the day on Monday.
- 3rd and Subsequent Offense - Equipment is confiscated and sent to Grade Level Principal to be returned to parent or guardian at the end of the next school day.
For more detailed explanations of these polices, please go to: Brighton High School Attendance & Tardy Policy