Student Nutrition
Student Nutriton Information
Welcome to the Student Nutrition Department. Our mission statement is "Brighton's Student Nutrition Program Feeds the Future". It is our belief we need to feed all the students in the Brighton Area Schools, as well as, educate them about eating healthier. We serve students daily at nine different sites.
The goal of the Student Nutrition Center is to provide a nutritious well-balanced meal for your child and create a fun place to eat! Meeting your child's nutrition requirements is foremost in our minds. We're always looking forward to improving our meals and the way in which they are served. There will be more fruits and vegetables, as well as low fat and high fiber foods featured on our menus.
To offer you more choices we offer a second entree daily for the elementary students. We also offer a complete fruit & veggie bar with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Our computerized lunch program makes serving your child much easier and faster.
Whether your child has lunch with us every day or only on special days, your business is important to us. We analyze our meals daily, so you know exactly what your child is eating for lunch. We list the daily calories and fat grams on our monthly menu. We can also provide you with additional nutritional information, just ask your school's Student Nutrition Manager for a complete monthly breakdown.
If you have any questions or comments, please free to contact our office at (810) 299-4175
Our goal is to celebrate healthier tomorrows with your child!