Classroom Behavior System


    Classroom Behavior and Management


                I will be teaching students Conscious Discipline. Conscious Discipline helps students learn how to become “conscious” of their behavior so they can manage themselves appropriately.


                The students will learn they are safe and they have a school family that loves them. They will learn how to self-regulate (when and if) they are upset and they will learn they can make helpful choices instead of hurtful ones.


                As a class, we will discuss what a safe learning environment looks and sounds like. If a student is not being safe or if they are being hurtful, they will be taught appropriate ways to be safe and how to be helpful. They will have natural consequences depending on the behavior. If a student continues to make poor choices, I will contact the student’s parents and together we can discuss strategies to help the child become more successful at managing their behavior appropriately.


                We are a team and I appreciate your support at home.