Engineering Technology 1
Unit 1: Engineering CareersAssignments Link: Engineering Careers and Simple Machine Research ProjectsUnit 2: Sketching BasicsDemos and Assignments Link: Introduction to SketchingOverview: Line Sketching, Orthographic, Obliques, Perspective, Isometric and Scale MeasuringUnit 3: Creo Basics Extrude and DimensioningDemos and Assignments Link: Introduction to CreoOverview: Single Extrude Tutorial, Design Parts 1-4, Layout Tutorial for Part 1, Layout and Dimension Parts 1-4Unit 4: Multiple Extrudes
Demos and Assignments Link: Multiple Extrudes
Overview: Tutorial Multiple Extrudes, Parts 5-10, Tutorial Types of Workplanes/ExtrudesUnit 5: Holes, Arcs, Rounds and Fillets Basics
Demos and Assignments Link: Holes, Arcs, Rounds and Fillets Basic
Overview: Tutorial Holes, Arcs, Rounds and Fillets, Parts 11-14, Tutorial Counterbore and CountersinkUnit 6: Advanced ModelingDemos and Assignments Link: Advanced Modeling
Overview: Tutorial Patterning and Mirroring, Tutorial Merge Multiple Solides, Parts 15 and 16Layout: Title Block: B-Size Title Block for Layout Landscape:
Download: B-Size Landscape
NOTE: Open .Zip File > Copy B-Size Title Block Format File (.frm) > Paste with Part and Layout Files in Student Directory
Reference Tutorial: Creo Settings for Printer: B-Size (11 x 17) Paper
NOTE: DO NOT Choose 11 x 17W. The copier does not have this size paper and will cause the copier to fault outUnit 7: SectioningDemos and Assignments Link: SectioningOverview: Chapter Reading, Sketching, Full Section Tutorial Parts 17 and 18, Offset Section Tutorial, Part 19Unit 8: RevolvesDemos and Assignments: RevolvesOverview: Revolve Solid Model Tutorial, Parts 20-21, Revolve Layout TutorialUnit 9: Assemblies: Static and MechanizedDemos and Assignments Link: Assemblies: Static and MechanizedOverview: Assemblies covers Static and Mechanized ComponentsDimension Values: Rounded v Non-RoundedIf you see the following sizes at two places past the decimal on your worksheets adjust to three or four places past the decimal on your solid model only1/16 or .06 or .062 or .063 = .06251/8 or .12 or .13 = 0.1253/16 or .19 or .187 or .188 = .18751/4 or .25 = .255/16 or .31 or .312 or .313 =.31253/8 or .37 or .38 = .3757/16 or .44 or .437 or .438 = .43751/2 or .50 = .509/16 or .56 or .562 or .563 = .56255/8 or .62 or .63 = 0.62511/16 or .68 or .69 or .687 or .688 = .68753/4 or .75 = .7513/16 or .81 or .812 or .813 = .81257/8 or .87 or .88 = .87515/16 or .94 or .937 or .938 = .9375Orthographic Working Drawings Approved Scales
Any scale that is found on a drafting triangular scale is approvedCommon Scales2.000 = 1.000 or 2:11.500 = 1.000 or 1.5:1FULL or 1.000 = 1.000 or 1:1
.750 = 1.000 or 3:4
.500 = 1.000 or 1:2
.375 = 1.000 or 3:8.1875 = 1.000 or 3:16
.250 = 1.000 or 1:4.125 = 1.000 or 1:8Final Exam
- Illuminate Link: Written Exam
- Sketch: Full and Offset Section Handout on Desk.
- Computer Part: Choose one of the four Parts > Design and Layout with Dimensions and Centerlines > Choose A or B Size Title Block
Reference Tutorial: Creating Construction LinesReference Tutorial: Modifiying Dimension Properties in Creo
Reference Tutorial: Dimension Tool Selection Options