Curriculum and Instruction
Brighton Area Schools Curriculum and Instruction department provides support in building capacity to enhance high-quality instructional practices focused on student-centered learning.
The department supports this work by utilizing a continuous improvement process that generates district-wide collaboration with a data-driven focus on curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Evidence-based instructional practices improve the growth and achievement of our students and are delivered through an aligned curriculum.
Our practices are founded in both the craft of teaching and the science of learning to ensure each student reaches their personal best.
Curriculum Department Mission: Connect, Collaborate, Inspire
We facilitate learning and build learner capacity in a meaningful and connected way.
We value collaborative conversation and facilitated learning experiences.
We value the differences of learners and recognize that their experiences and contributions enhance the learning community.
We believe in forming positive, supportive relationships and connections.
During the 2023-24 school year, teachers and administration of Brighton Area Schools began the process of making our district curriculum more easily accessible for students and families. The district has started with the four core content areas (English, Social Studies, Science, and Math) K-12, although a few special courses will be added, based on the curriculum cycle. This is a multi-year process as it takes numerous hours and dedication by our teachers to align and upload the curriculum.
As curriculum is aligned and organized with our school calendar, you will see them uploaded onto a site called Atlas Rubicon. This site is now listed on our BAS web page under Curriculum. Additionally, here is the link to visit: Brighton Atlas.
If you have questions regarding a specific curriculum in the Atlas website, please contact your building principal. If you have questions about the implementation and building of Atlas, please contact the Curriculum and Instruction Department.
Quick Links
Since 2009, the district has collected and presented achievement, demographic, and perception data in alignment with the Michigan Continuous Improvement Process (MiCIP). To see data charts, click on the link.