Meet Officer Bell

  • Meet Officer Bell
    Office: 810-299-4162
    E-mail: bellk@


    My name is Officer Kristi Bell and I work for the Brighton City Police Department. I am on my fifth year as a fully sworn Police Officer in the City of Brighton. 

     I started my Law Enforcement Career as a Reserve Police Officer for the City of Brighton. I graduated from the Wayne Regional Police Academy in 2015. In my five years with the Department I have been able to learn and grow professionally and personally.  I am currently a member with our departments IRU Team (Investigative Resource Unit), FTO Program (Field Training Officer), Department Instructor for Taser, and a Hostage Negotiator.

     I am extremely excited to take on this important role as the School Resource Officer. My goal is to maintain a safe and secure learning/teaching environment for all students and staff. 


     The primary reason for Police presence on school property is for the safety and security of the students, staff and property.  Another benefit to Police presence is establishing positive relationships between the Police, the youth, the school and the community.  As the School Resource Officer it is my goal to act as a liaison between the school and the Police Department to address crime prevention and provide Police services involving students and school staff.

     Some of the typical job functions that I carry out include protecting the students, staff and property.  I also find that my presence and being visible discourages unlawful acts and poor behavior in general.  As the School Resource Officer I investigate and enforce criminal law through formal and informal measures.  Being stationed in the school allows a quick response time if and when there is a disruptive situation that may impact the safety or learning environment of the students.  As the School Resource Officer I also assist the Safe Schools Committee with developing safety procedures and security surveys.  The educational experience does not end after the school bell rings, which is why I work with school staff to ensure a safe environment for after school activities such as athletic events and dances.

     In an attempt to reduce and prevent delinquent behavior, I try to mentor and counsel students along with helping parents to address antisocial behavior patterns and the contributing causes.  I work as a liaison between the court system, students and their families to help the student navigate the court system and answer questions about the Justice system.  I find that education is a key component in preventing crime and a very important responsibility I have as the Resource Officer.  I accomplish this through speaking with classes about different topics such as Constitutional law, search and seizure laws, Juvenal law, bullying, cyber bullying, internet or social media crimes, drug addiction and drinking and driving prevention just to name a few.  I feel that this interaction has been the most beneficial because not only are we educating our youth on the law and what is expected of them as responsible citizens, but it has been a great opportunity to establish trusting relationships between the Police and today's youth.

    As the Resource Officer for Brighton Area Schools, my goal is to be a positive influence in the lives of the students in our community while educating them to also be positive influences in society.  I feel that taking the time to educate our youth now will prevent a negative interaction with the Police later. I would like to thank our community, Dr. Outlaw, and the Brighton Area School board for your continued support in ensuring the safety and security of our students.